Board: CBSE
Class: 8
Subject: Artificial Intelligence
Publication Date :
N.AISBN Number :
4589146181Language :
EnglishWe have all grown up using digital devices around us, from computers to tablets to mobile phones. These devices have engaging apps that we use on a daily basis and if you observe closely, they appear better and more engaging with time. Isn’t it? I want you to discover the world of Artificial Intelligence which you experience and which drives apps that you use on a daily basis without actually realizing it. If you develop an interest in AI, it can not only mean better career prospects for you but it makes you more aware about things happening around you. The best way to predict the future is to make it! AI is neither a magic wand nor hype but a well-established, logical and defined technology. I would urge the users of this book to focus on the fundamentals and develop an AI mindset so that you can analyze how to integrate AI into problem-solving in any domain. Each chapter of this book has been carefully written and includes lots of real-life examples, tools and quotes from the who’s who of the AI world. Do research about these distinguished people, about the tools mentioned in the book and go through the quotes carefully as significant knowledge is embedded in them. Finally, try and have some fun using AI experiments and activities with your friends. I am of the opinion that each reader is capable of achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) put forth by the UN and transforming India by using Artificial Intelligence in every walk of life.
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